Subscribe to the CER’s RSS Feeds

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Copy and paste the URLs below into your preferred feed reader. When the CER sends out an update, a new item will appear in your feed reader with a link to the related page on the CER Web site.

CER RSS feed
  Feed URL
Really Simple Syndication CER RSS – What's new
Really Simple Syndication CER RSS – Career opportunities
Really Simple Syndication CER RSS – News releases
Really Simple Syndication CER RSS – Data and analysis
Really Simple Syndication CER RSS – Statistics
Really Simple Syndication CER RSS – Applications and hearings
Really Simple Syndication CER RSS – Safety and environment
Really Simple Syndication CER RSS – Regulatory improvements
Really Simple Syndication CER RSS – Feature articles

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) Help

What is RSS?

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a standardized format used to publish and share Web site content. Updates to the site are broadcast to subscribers through the RSS feed. CER News Release updates include a headline, brief description and a link to the full story on the CER Web site.

How do I view RSS feeds?

Please note: Referring links to Web sites not under the control of the Government of Canada are provided solely for the convenience of users. The Canada Energy Regulator is not responsible for the accuracy, currency or the reliability of the content nor does it endorse the following sites and their content. (See also Important Notices)

In order to receive feeds, you must have an aggregator, otherwise called a feed reader. There are several types of feed readers:

  • Web-browsers – the latest version of most web-browsers have feed readers built in, or available as a plug-in.
  • Web-based feed readers – usually involves creating an account and then subscribing to all your favorite sites and blogs that provide RSS feeds.
  • Stand-alone feed readers – these can be downloaded from the web and installed on your computer.
  • Email – newer email systems have built in feed readers and older email systems can be made RSS feed compatible by downloading a free add-on.
  • Email RSS services – allow you to register online to have the RSS feed sent directly to your email account.

Technical Problems or Feedback?

Please let us know if you encounter any technical problems, have a suggestion, or just want to tell us that you find the feeds useful.

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